After several blood transfusions, days at a Baltimore hospital and lots of prayers, a 7-year-old boy who has sickle cell disease is on his way to fully recovering from COVID-19.
Nasir Striggs, 7, went to Baltimore’s Sinai Hospital at the beginning of April after his mother, Deshannon Striggs, noticed he was having trouble breathing. He tested positive for COVID-19, and an X-ray revealed he had pneumonia on both of his lungs.
Nasir’s mother says the entire medical team took really good care of her son, who has sickle cell disease and was at a higher risk from the virus. The 7-year-old needed three blood transfusions.
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“He had to keep getting stuck by the needle because the needle kept coming out,” Striggs said. “To watch him go through that, it was really scary.”
Several days into his treatment, Nasir began to bounce back. His mother says support and prayers helped her get through the tough time.
“Just keep the faith. That’s the message: keep the faith,” she said.
Doctors have kept a close eye on Nasir with online visits since he went home. They said he’s doing great.
Sickle cell disease affects red blood cells and interferes with the delivery of oxygen to the tissues. It can lead to anemia, repeated infections and fatigue. The severity of symptoms varies from person to person.
Source: CNN