Multi Choice Zambia, a unit of the South-Africa-based television operator was ordered by The Independent Broadcasting Authority to immediately suspend the “Lusaka Hustle’’ reality show on its Zambezi Magic on the DSTV platform.
According to Xinhua News, the regulator, there has been public outcries from the citizens of the country who claim that the show promoted a lifestyle contrary to Zambia’s values and culture.
“The Authority has received several comments from the public concerning the shows in question.
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“And as such, has directed Multichoice Zambia to withdraw the ‘Lusaka Hustle’ reality show in public interest,” IBA Director General, Josephine Mapoma, said.
The Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Godfridah Sumaili on Sunday, January 3, 2019 asked the television operator to suspend the reality show which was launched in January.