The award winning series ‘Game of Thrones’ is in its final season with only one episode left and still fans are confused as to who will sit on the much coveted Iron Throne.
Game of Thrones is based on the book ‘A Song of Ice and Fire,’ set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.
The whole series has been about who rules the Seven kingdoms. From the very first season, the series chronicled the violent struggles among the realm’s noble families for the Iron Throne.
In Game Of Thrones, you can only become king via conquest or bloodline. There are nine great houses in Westeros: Starks, Baratheon, Targaryen, Tully’s, Lannister, Greyjoy, Tyrell, Martell and Arryn. The Targaryens, Starks, Baratheon and Lannisters have laid claim to the throne at one point or the other throughout the show.
The seven kingdoms, which they seek to rule include; The North, The Vale, The Crownlands, The Stormlands, Dorne, The Reach, The Westerlands, The Riverlands and The Iron Islands.
The show started with Robert of House Baratheon sitting on the Iron Throne after unseating Aerys Targaryen in a war that was called the Robert’s Rebellion. This set a series of actions in motion.
Throughout the show there were many coups and fights amongst the noble houses and their allies. Daenerys of House Targaryen has been fighting her way back to take what she believes is rightfully hers. Cersei of House Lannisters who was married to King Robert House Baratheon has insisted the throne belongs to her and her children, two of whom have served as Kings for short periods of time in the show.
With season eight almost ending and many of the top contenders having been eliminated or rendered unfit to rule, the Iron Throne is still vacant.
The Next Edition spoke to fans to predict who they felt was best qualified to sit on the Throne.
Ed Stark, Production Officer
“Well, I think Gendry should sit on the Iron Throne because the best leader just turned into a Mad Woman by burning all of King’s Landing. She was my favourite, still is my favourite, sha.
“The next best king would be Jon Snow, but I think he isn’t ready and he doesn’t want the throne.
“The next person with a legitimate claim to the throne is Gendry; bastard son of the last real king of Westeros, Robert Baratheon. Thankfully, he was legitimised by Dany. So now he ain’t just a bastard but a true Baratheon.”
Wekky Francis, Lawyer
“Jon!! He’s the main actor. Things haven’t been going the way we all hoped it would. Mad Queen will die in the next episode, Arya or Jon will kill her.”
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Patricia Jimmy, Actress
“Definitely not the mentally unstable mother of Dragons. If Jon doesn’t want it, Arya or the Imp should have it.”
Ofili Chidubem, Analyst
“I never thought of it but the first person that comes to my mind is Sansa (little bird). She’s the least obvious and I think they will sneak her in (knowing how GOT likes to go for the less obvious).
“Here’s why I think she might be the ONE: It would have been Darnerys but she recently just proved that she’s a b***h and would likely be a terrible ruler and I think she might die in the end or run away with Jon. Jon, because he doesn’t want to be king would likely turn down the throne and walk away because he hates what it did to his queen and to prove that he isn’t a sell out.
“This leaves us with the beloved Arya. For her, it will be that she simply doesn’t care too and just wants to remain in the shadows killing bad guys.
“I might be wrong oooooo I just like to go against the obvious.”
Amanda David, Entrepreneur
“Sansa Stark. From all the people left with some sort of claim to the throne, she’s the most logical of them all. She has learnt the ways of playing the game from her time with Cersei and has learnt how to use information.”
Abiola Osibanjo, Nurse/Caregiver
“The Iron Throne is burnt now since the crazy woman burnt down the whole of Kings Landing. Honestly, I don’t even know.”
Samuel Ejike, Student
“Arya will rule with Gendry Baratheon. She is pregnant with a Baratheon child which will make succession simple.”
Prince IK, Content Creator
“Arya. She will need help from her sister and maybe Tyrion but she should take the throne.”
Kemi Adeleke, Writer
“No one. The Iron Throne is gone, everything was destroyed. Sansa will be warden of the North and the South will sort itself out.”
Are you a follower of the show? Drop your comments on who you think will take the throne. The final episode airs on Monday morning 2 a.m. (Nigerian Time)